Current affairs quiz 19th oct

Choose the appropriate option.

Question 1. Which nation has been re elected as the President of the International Solar Alliance

Choose the appropriate option.

Question 2. Which country has become the first nation to get Blue Flag certification for 8 beaches in the very first attempt

Choose the appropriate option.

Question 3. How many Rajya Sabha seats will go to polls on 9th November 2020

Choose the appropriate option.

Question 4. India per capita GDP is expected to slump by how much in 2020 as per latest IMF World Economic Outlook projections

Choose the appropriate option.

Question 5. Which nation has granted regulatory approval to its second COVID 19 vaccine

Choose the appropriate option.

Question 6. Paul R Milgrom and Robert B Wilson have won the Nobel Prize 2020 in which category

Choose the appropriate option.

Question 7. India will be delivering one of its kilo class submarines INS Sindhuvir to which nation

Choose the appropriate option.

Question 8. Which nation received the lowest votes among all nations that got elected to UNHRC this month

Choose the appropriate option.

Question 9. Who won the men singles title in French Open 2020

Choose the appropriate option.

Question 10. What is the name of the World War II bomb that was detonated underwater in Poland

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