Nda chemistry quiz

Choose the appropriate option.

Question 1. Beryllium Sulphate is less soluble in water due to?

Choose the appropriate option.

Question 2. What is the name of that system which uses radioactivity to decide the period of materials of pre historic period?

Choose the appropriate option.

Question 3. Cement is made hard with

Choose the appropriate option.

Question 4. What happens when a chemical bond is formed ?

Choose the appropriate option.

Question 5. Which among the following is a carbohydrate?

Choose the appropriate option.

Question 6. In which of the following states maximum iron ore is found ?

Choose the appropriate option.

Question 7. Which one of the following metals pollutes the air of a city having large number of automobiles?

Choose the appropriate option.

Question 8. What is the Chemical name for baking soda?

Choose the appropriate option.

Question 9. An atomic pile is used for

Choose the appropriate option.

Question 10. Which of the following gases is present under pressure in soft drinks?

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