Nda biology quiz

Choose the appropriate option.

Question 1. The heart of human embryo states beating in the

Choose the appropriate option.

Question 2. If father has blood group A and mother has blood group O then which one of the following blood groups may be found in their son?

Choose the appropriate option.

Question 3. In the case of a test tube baby

Choose the appropriate option.

Question 4. In the balanced dietaries for a day of an adult working man, weights of carbohydrate food and total protein food (both superior and inferior) should be in order of

Choose the appropriate option.

Question 5. 5. In the balanced dietaries for a day of an adult working man, weights of carbohydrate food and total protein food (both superior and inferior) should be in order of

Choose the appropriate option.

Question 6. The offering substance in the liquor tragedies leading to blindness etc. is

Choose the appropriate option.

Question 7. According to the wroth Health organization, the disease which causes the death of the larges number of people today is.

Choose the appropriate option.

Question 8. The water pollution in river is measured by the dissolved amount of

Choose the appropriate option.

Question 9. Consumption of fish is considered to be healthy when compared to flies of other animals because fish contains

Choose the appropriate option.

Question 10. Hemophilia is a genetic disorder which leads to

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