How to prepare for International Relations for an SSB Interview?

How to prepare for International Relations for an SSB Interview?
17-July 2023...........

International Relations is a very important part for SSB Interview. Whether it is a personal interview, leatherette, or group discussion, International Relations plays a crucial role. Service Selection Boards also expect a candidate to be well-updated with whatever is happening worldwide. SSB Aspirants often neglect International Relations while preparing for SSB Interview thinking this is a topic of written exam or a topic for civil servant aspirants. But, International Relations is something which is directly linked with the Armed Forces that’s why it becomes very significant to prepare International Relations for SSB Interview. But the main problem before aspirants is that they do not know what sources they should follow for preparing for international relations, so through this article we are going to tell you about how SSB Aspirants prepare for International relations and what sources they should follow to prepare for International Relations.


How can SSB Aspirants prepare for International Relations?

We are going to provide a list of resources through which you can prepare International Relations. This list includes books, youtube videos, blogs, and newspapers. After reading this article, you will hardly face any problem in preparing International Relations for SSB Interview.

Sources to prepare International Relations for SSB Interview


  • Sansd TV Debate on International Relations and Foreign Policy

Sand TV is a government news channel that was formerly known as Rajya Sabha TV. Sansd TV regularly conducts debates and discussions on International Relations and Foreign Policy such as ASEAN, India-Russia Relations and India-Pakistan Relations, etc. In this debate and discussion, Sansd TV invites Foreign Policy Experts and Former Ambassadors who share their views on Indian Foreign Policy and International Relations. SSB Aspirants can gain valuable information on International Relations and Foreign Policy by watching these discussions. SSB Aspirants should note down important facts or information shared by panelists so that they can revise it before going to SSB Interview.

Sansd TV Show on ASEAN


  • Read Books on International Relations Such As Pax Indica

Pax Indica is an excellent book written on the International Relations and Foreign Policy of India by Shashi Tharoor. Shashi Tharoor is a well-known expert on International Relations and Foreign Policy. Pax Indica written by him is like a goldmine for someone who is seeking knowledge on International Relations and Indian Foreign Policy. He has given extensive information on bilateral relations of India with major countries like China, Russia, USA, Pakistan, and South Asian Countries. Shashi Tharoor has also written about India’s foreign policy in a very detailed manner in the Pax Indica. Every SSB Aspirant should try to read this book before going to the SSB Interview.

                Pax Indica by Shashi Tharoor


  • Read A Newspaper Daily and Cover Editorials on International Relations and Foreign policy

Newspapers are one of the best sources to prepare. Newspapers cover International Relations and India’s Foreign Policy in-depth manner. Newspapers regularly update on major international events such as Russia-Ukraine War, NATO Summit, Visit by Prime Minister to France. Such topics are very important for SSB Interviews and before going to SSB aspirants must prepare these topics. Newspaper Editorials are another best source of information for preparing for International Relations and Foreign Policies. SSB Aspirants should never skip columns written by C. Raja Mohan, Suhasini Haidar, and Happymon Jacob. They are well-known writers and foreign policy experts.


  • Watch Documentaries on International Issues

To prepare for major international issues such as the Russia-Ukraine Conflict, South China Sea Issue, or Yemen Crisis, SSB aspirants can watch documentaries on these issues. Major Media Agencies such as Vice TV, The Economist, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and Al Jazeera make documentaries on such issues. Documentaries prepared by them are very detailed covering topics in a very in-depth manner. By watching these SSB aspirants will be able to keep themselves updated with International Issues which is going to benefit them in SSB Interviews.

A Documentary on Russia-Ukraine Conflict by The Economist


By following these sources, SSB Aspirants will be able to prepare for International Relations and Foreign Policy in a very in-depth manner. This in-depth preparation will definitely help them in facing Lecturrette, Group Discussion, or Personal Interview Questions on International Relations. SSB Aspirants should keep a world map handy while watching videos on international relations or reading about any topic on international relations. By looking at maps, candidates will be able to understand topics easily.


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