8 Hacks that can help you to ace SSB Interview

8 Hacks that can help you to ace SSB Interview
18-December 2023...........

SSB Interview is considered to be one of the toughest Interviews in India. If we call it ‘the toughest interview in India’ then it may hardly be called hyperbole. Its low selection rate along with complex nature makes it even tougher. But, ever increasing number of candidates coming to appear for SSB Interview despite tough qualification standards, indicate the craze of Indian youth towards Indian Armed Forces. Although SSB Interview is known for its toughness, it can be qualified with right preparation and under right guidance. SSB Interview can be aced with some hidden hacks which will prove to be very beneficial for SSB Interview Aspirants. These hacks are in the form of some tricks which you need to apply during your SSB Interview so that you can have advantage during SSB Interview. It must be noted that these hacks or tips are only helpful in case your basic preparation is complete. So, Read the full article to ace your upcoming SSB Interview.


8 Hacks to ace your SSB Interview


Here are Ten Hacks or Tips that will help you a lot in your SSB recommendation.


1. Prepare for OIR in very well manner


OIR or Officer Intelligence Rating Test is going to be a base for your screening in SSB Interview. OIR consists of questions of verbal and non-verbal reasoning, which are designed to test the mental ability of candidates. Candidates should never ignore the importance of OIR Test because in case of doubtful condition, OIR is the only decisive factor. In case of below average rating in OIR, candidates are screened out despite performing well in PP&DT (Picture Perception and Description Test). A good grade helps candidates in screening even if they perform a little low in PP&DT.


2. Keep Revising Your Story in Your Mind Before Story Narration

After writing down the story, candidates are divided into groups and taken for narration and group discussion. It takes some time in dividing candidates in groups and a break is also given before narration and discussion. So, it is very important not to get distracted during this period. In this period, you should focus on revising your story in your mind so that you can narrate each point of your story in a good manner. During the break, you should not engage in any unnecessary discussions with fellow candidates. Because this unnecessary discussion might distract you and drain your energy.


3. Wait for other candidate to stop speaking


During Group Discussion, It is noted that candidates do not get even a chance to speak due to the fish market. In such conditions, candidates have to speak either loudly or when another candidate is still speaking. This prevents candidates from presenting their points before assessors and often candidates end being screened out. So what candidates can do is, they should wait for other candidates to take pause (because someone can not speak continuously without breathing). And as soon as the candidate takes a pause, you should present your point.


4. Use Facts and Figures in Group Discussion


During Group Discussion, disagreement among group members is very common. And often this disagreement prevents groups from arriving at a conclusion. Sometimes this disagreement leads to frustration in some candidates which leaves a negative impression on the assessor. To avoid unnecessary disagreement, candidates can use facts and figures to justify their points. It will be hard for other candidates to disagree and it leaves a positive impression on assessors also.


5. Do not write full sentences in SRT


Candidates have to complete 60 SRTs in 30 Minutes in SSB Interview which means candidates get only 30 seconds per SRT. There is very less time to think about the response and write it down on the paper. So, Candidates should avoid writing long sentences that will lead to waste of time. Candidates can write direct actions only instead of writing a whole response.


For example


SRT- Rahul was going on a bike trip and suddenly the bike of his friend broke down. Rahul…


Response- Took out the bike repair tool kit, fixed the bike, and continued the trip.


6. Memorize Your Self Description in Advance


During the Psychology Test, the fourth test that will be conducted as a part of the Psychology Test, is going to be the Self- Description Test. In this test, some questions will be asked based on you, your family and your friends etc. These will be some basic questions and the questions are always the same. So, candidates can write their responses by doing introspection before coming to SSB. Because, During the actual test you will be under pressure and there are chances that you may not write your responses upto mark during Self Description Test. Make Sure the responses you memorize are genuine.


7. Prepare Some Possible Question-Answers from your PIQ Form


PIQ (Personal Information Questionnaire) Form is the base of personal interview of SSB Interview. During the personal interview most of the questions asked are from this category only. So, you should first introspect and fill up the PIQ form. After filling up the PIQ form, you can prepare possible questions and answers. You should make sure that along with these questions and answers you should prepare cross questions also. Because, every answer you give during a personnel interview will be followed by some cross questions. By preparing possible questions and answers, you will face little problems during actual personnel interview.


8.Use Hidden Resources Not Mentioned Group Planning Exercise


In the GPE or Group Planning Exercise, candidates have to present a detailed solution of problems mentioned in the model. Candidates are briefed about the model by the GTO Officer. During this briefing listen to GTO Officer very carefully and try to identify the hidden resources present in the model. For example, If a Group Planning Exercise mentions that your group is going to a nearby village or town then it is common sense that you will get people and resources to solve the problem. So, always use those unmentioned resources in the solution of your group planning exercise.

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