Best Strategy to crack SSB Interview - Important Tips for SSB

Best Strategy to crack SSB Interview - Important Tips for SSB
15-October 2022...........

Important Tips for SSB Interview - Best SSB-Cracking Strategy


The Services Selection Board (SSB) administers a comprehensive intelligence-cum-personality test following the written test in the officer-cadre exam selection procedure. The SSB Interview is an imperative in the selection process because it influences a candidate's final recommendation. The SSB selection procedure is divided into two stages. Only candidates who pass stage I are eligible to take stage II. Stage I includes Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) tests and Picture Perception and Description Tests (PP&DT). On the other hand, Stage II includes an interview, group testing officer (GTO) tasks, psychology tests, and a conference.


  • Candidates who pass the Stage-I test will be subjected to a variety of tests as part of the Stage-II testing process over the next four to five days. 

  • As previously stated, the Services Selection Board (SSB) Interview consists of personality assessments, psychological evaluations, and various group obstacles to ascertain a candidate's worthiness for the armed forces.

  • The entire 5-day SSB interview revolves around the Mansa, Vacha, and Karmana principles. They all contribute to the entire SSB procedure. Vacha refers to the connecting link between a candidate's Manasa—the thought procedure—and Karmana—his course of action. 


As a result, it is critical for a candidate to develop strong interpersonal skills and know how to convey them. In-depth evaluation is conducted on candidates during the SSB Interview procedure in order to assess their individuality, character traits, intellectual ability, behavior patterns, psychology, physical prowess, and a wide range of other character traits. The following are some helpful tips for passing the SSB interview and making it to the final merit list.


The puzzle of coaching


Several aspirants preparing for the SSB Interview are debating whether or not to register for a coaching programme. The appropriate response is that if you have no understanding of what the SSB process is, you should undoubtedly attend the best SSB interview coaching. Choose the right academy while keeping a variety of factors in mind so that you can become acquainted with various aspects of the SSB Interview.


The positive framework


SSB is all about keeping a positive attitude, so whether it's for your psychological assessments, interviews, or just about anything else, you must always be optimistic. From your responses on different tests to your actions and character, your personality should reflect that you are an assertive person.


Never be worried


Anxiety can be your worst opponent in the SSB selection procedure. Prepare ahead of time to avoid anxiety. It is pointless to be worried because this is not a battleground; instead, handle it as a simple interview which is meant to help you prepare for an adventurous lifestyle in the armed forces.


Group courteousness


Being cordial with your group is vital because there are nearly 6–8 tasks that you must complete as a group, and it matters whether or not your group appreciates you. Since the testing is done in groups, it is critical that everyone in your group appreciates you. Be sociable with others and avoid being confrontational.


General Knowledge


SSB applicants must be aware of what is going on in their country and around the world. Cursory knowledge will not lend a hand; instead, choose to understand the details of the events and develop strong opinions about the case scenarios. Read the newspaper and pay attention to important national and international events.


Everyone gets better with practice


Consistent practice will help you improve and nearly perfect your abilities; it is recommended that you prepare for the psychology tests well in advance because these tests are performed under a very strict time constraint; making preparations for them ahead of time will help you a lot in balancing your time. 


Understanding yourself


It is extremely important again for the interview that you understand yourself well enough and plan ahead with all the necessary information about yourself, such as your years of schooling, accomplishments, positive and negative character traits, and so on. Similarly, you should be aware of your family's profession, positive and negative attributes, and so on.


Aside from the aforementioned tips, candidates should keep in mind that they will be subjected to long hours of activities that will lead to fatigue and stress. Thus, they must be fit and healthy, as they will be performing several physical tasks. Running and light exercise should be done on a regular basis.



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